Boston Removes Residents from Community Center to Make Room for Illegal Aliens

Melnea Cass Recreation Complex
by Eric Lendrum


Residents of the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts are furious with local officials after the city forced residents out of the local community center in order to make room for more illegal aliens.

As Breitbart reports, the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Community Center was once a meeting place for various sports games and community events, including Little League games and volleyball players. But the center is now lined with cots for illegals to sleep on.

On February 17th, residents attempted to enter the community center for a scheduled batting practice session by the local baseball team, only to find it locked and housing hordes of illegals.

“We usually practice. They were closed,” said Jeremiah Rodriguez, one of the young team members.

Rodriguez’s father, Yrbin, said that “it’s hard,” and he “didn’t know the immigrants [were] inside.”

“It’s OK to help” the illegals, Rodriguez added, but “I don’t think that’s the place to do it because kids and families go and enjoy” sports and other community events at the center.

The neighborhood of Roxbury is an overwhelmingly minority community, with a population that is 57% black, 30% Hispanic, and just 6% White. The median income in Roxbury is approximately $30,654, well below the average median income for Boston, $52,433.

Community activist Clifton Braithwaite, while expressing support for illegals, nevertheless made clear his outrage at the situation.

“We care about our immigrant brothers and sisters, but there has to be a fair balance,” said Braithwaite. “How can you tell people that was down at Mass Cass for over ten years, there was no money for them, and now you found money.”

Boston is just one of many large, Democrat-run cities that has been forced to contend with the surge in illegal immigration in recent months and years, alongside others such as New York City and Chicago. Many illegals choose to come to such big cities due to the alleged opportunities, in addition to busloads of illegals being deliberately sent to such cities by Republican governors such as Greg Abbott (R-Texas), as an effort to throw the effects of mass migration right back into the faces of Democratic mayors who previously supported open borders.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Melnea A. Cass Recreation Complex” by Melnea A. Cass Recreation Complex.





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